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KIEV 2019


The itinerant Tripoteca - Psychedelic Film & Art Festival at Kiev 2019 has reached its fourth biennial edition and traveled over 25 cities in the world.
Between 26th and 27th of April at Carbon, Tripoteca will splash your minds and hearts over with an experience that will extend the barriers of avant-garde over oceans of metaphysical and abstract concepts.
On the intergalactic menu, there will be 50 short films, an exhibition of canvases and video installations from souls coming out of 25 countries, a fractal VR journey and opening audio-video performances full of experimental improv.
20:00 – 20:45 - open doors / exhibition
20:45 – 21:30 - audio-video performance
21:30 – 22:30 - short films - "Meta-Fun" session
22:30 – 23:00 - break / exhibition
23:00 – 00:00 - short films - "Introspective Journey" session
00:00 – 02:00 - after-ambiental-party
Each night there will be two sections of films, "Meta-Fun" (a roller-coaster of astral humor) and "Introspective Journey" (seriously insightful gems).
A full list of films here:
Opening performances each night with musicians Ruga Roo (cinematic and atmospheric IDM) – Friday and Nava Spatiala – Saturday, accompanied with live visuals by Adistu fractals and other organic patterns)
▪️ DIgital art on canvas exhibition:
▪️ ”The Small Screen” - a music-videos installation which will spark the soundtrack of the gallery, a compilation with:
▪️ “Mirror Me” - an interactive installation that will melt the viewers in waves of feedback
▪️ ''Candy Room” - a 360 fractal journey through an everchanging brain-twisting room
▪️ „Light” - an exhibition of mandala painted pieces of vinyl by Soul Drops –
+ more video mapping surprises
Saturday – TBA
Note: The film sessions and live performances constitute different screenings each night. The exhibition remains the same.
Warning: event not recommended to folks who suffer from epilepsy!
Tripoteca — фестиваль психоделічного кіно і мистецтва, який побував у 25 містах світу.
З 26 по 27 квітня Tripoteca - Psychedelic Film & Art Festival at Kiev 2019 розширить межі авангарду й покаже нові абстрактні концепції.
20:00 – 20:45 - Відкриття. Виставка
20:45 – 21:30 - Аудіовізуальний перфоманс
21:30 – 22:30 - Короткометражні фільми ("Meta-Fun" session, астральний гумор)
22:30 – 23:00 - Перерва. Виставка
23:00 – 00:00 - Короткометражні фільми ("Introspective Journey" session)
00:00 – 02:00 - Ambiental after-party by Zen
▪️ У міжгалактичному меню представлені 50 короткометражних фільмів та відеоінсталяції з 25 країн, фрактальне VR-подорож, аудиовизуальное шоу, 
виставка робіт та інтерактивні інсталяції. 
Повний список фільмів:
▪️ За аудіовізуальний перфоманс відповідають Ruga Roo (IDM), Adistu та Nava Spatiala. 
Ruga Roo (cinematic and atmospheric IDM):;
Adistu' (fractals and other organic patterns):;
Nava Spatiala (drone and noise ambiental chaos):
▪️ Виставка психоделічних робіт (
▪️ “The Small Screen” – відео-музична інсталяція (збірник:
▪️ “Mirror Me” – інтерактивна інсталяція, яка знайде відгук у серці кожного глядача; 
▪️ ''Candy Room” – фрактальна 360-подорож (вибух свідомості: кімната, яка постійно змінюється); 
▪️ '„Light”– виставка вінілу, розписаних в стилі "мандала" от Soul Drops (
▪️ Ambiental after-party by Zen (; 
▪️ Відео-меппінг; 
Офіційний сайт:
Facebook event
The itinerant Tripoteca - Psychedelic Film & Art Festival at Kiev 2019 has reached its fourth biennial edition and traveled over 25 cities in the world.
Between 26th and 27th of April at Carbon, Tripoteca will splash your minds and hearts over with an experience that will extend the barriers of avant-garde over oceans of metaphysical and abstract concepts.
On the intergalactic menu, there will be 50 short films, an exhibition of canvases and video installations from souls coming out of 25 countries, a fractal VR journey and opening audio-video performances full of experimental improv.
20:00 – 20:45 - open doors / exhibition
20:45 – 21:30 - audio-video performance
21:30 – 22:30 - short films - "Meta-Fun" session
22:30 – 23:00 - break / exhibition
23:00 – 00:00 - short films - "Introspective Journey" session
00:00 – 02:00 - after-ambiental-party
Each night there will be two sections of films, "Meta-Fun" (a roller-coaster of astral humor) and "Introspective Journey" (seriously insightful gems).
A full list of films here:
Opening performances each night with musicians Ruga Roo (cinematic and atmospheric IDM) – Friday and Nava Spatiala – Saturday, accompanied with live visuals by Adistu fractals and other organic patterns)
- diigital art on canvas exhibition -▪️
▪️ ”The Small Screen” - a music-videos installation which will spark the soundtrack of the gallery, a compilation with:
▪️ “Mirror Me” - an interactive installation that will melt the viewers in waves of feedback
▪️ ''Candy Room” - a 360 fractal journey through an everchanging brain-twisting room
▪️ „Light” - an exhibition of mandala painted pieces of vinyl by Soul Drops –
+ more video mapping surprises
Saturday – TBA
Note: The film sessions and live performances constitute different screenings each night. The exhibition remains the same.
Warning: event not recommended to folks who suffer from epilepsy!