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Status message

Submissions for this form are closed.


Get in touch at or on facebook (or use the form below) for general information, press or if:

  • you want to submit your videos or digital art for the next edition of Tripoteca, so your psychedelic visions may travel the world (send links of work please - NOT files, NOT descriptions) - WATCH OUT as Tripoteca is biennial, so the next tour will start 2020.
  • you are a musician, performer, painter, sculptor, etc. and would like to participate directly in a specific local Tripoteca event (if you are not sure where, check out LOCATIONS)
Also get in touch with us if:
  •  you take care of a venue and want to host Tripoteca
  •  you organize other festivals/events and want us to curate a part of your program
  •  the region you live in lacks a Tripoteca and you want to become a Tripoteca ambassador. (that means: if you have some contacts in the art community - and you want to collaborate with us by helping to find a venue, media partners and/or translating the films, we will do everything in our power do make it happen!)