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6th of June @ Kriterion Filmtheatre (Roetersstraat 170)


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[EN] - please scroll down for Dutch:



The second edition of Tripoteca – the only international psychedelic film & arts festival – is currently on a world tour and for the first time in Amsterdam.
Tripoteca 2014 @ Amsterdam takes place on the 6th of June at Kriterion Filmtheatre (Roetersstraat 170)  and will be the landings spots for 46 short films, animations and music videos from 17 countries, full feature film "Enter the Void",  an exhibition of digital art from across the Globe, video installations, live music and visuals from another dimension, beyond time and space.
All revolve around metaphysical matters, the expansion of consciousness and abstract aesthetics. All have the purpose to give birth to an intense internal journey.
Alpha Teaser:
Omega Teaser:
Tripoteca prepares three sessions of films (please scroll down for timetable):
- full feature film “Enter the Void” (directed by Gaspar Noé)
- “Meta Fun” (26 short films based on astral humour filled with eye-candy vortexes of colours )
- “The Introspective Journey” (25 short films based on deep surrealistic reflections)
Full line-up of films  HERE
Digital art by: Anai Greog [RO], Daniel Bega [RO], Kitră [RO], Mircea Pop [RO], Silviu Andrisoi [RO], Roxana Benea [RO], Cristian Prandea [RO], Nomadi Cortex [UK], Dion Dion [UK],  Totemical [CA], Ori Toor [IL], KOKOFREAKBEAN [US], Lucas Simoes [BR], Keerych Luminokaya [RU], Pyxius [DK]. Metatron'acid [FR]
Live music  by   Mass Hypnotized [NL] [Industrial, Chromatic, Ambiant,  Ethnic] 
Live video performance by Magali Marc [FR]
Video installations:
 - "6/64” by Morgan Beringer [UK]:
- excerpts from the full lenght animation movie "Les Religions Sauvages" directed by Le Dernier Cri [FR]:
- interactive feedbacks installation by Magali Marc [FR]
With their mouthwatering smoothies, Alchemist Garden will make the evening complete. 
Curator: Adrian Manolescu
Tickets at the door (limted) or reservations: 020 623 17 08 / 
9,50 E / per session (Enter the Void / “Meta-Fun” shorts /“The Introspective Journey” shorts)  
8 E / per session for students. elderly, Stadspas-owners
20 E / all day pass
Open for Cinevillecard-owners.
Tripoteca is a completely independent project kept alive only by artists that want to see cultural evolution and by a public with an open mind. Your support is vital and will be greatly appreciated.
19:00 – 19:30 - open doors / exhibition
19:30 – 22:00 – full feature film “Enter the Void” 
21:30 – 22:15 – live performance Mass Hypnotized + Magali Marc
22:15 – 23:45 – Short Films Session 1: “Meta-Fun”
23:45 – 00:00 – break / exhibition
00:00 – 01:30 – Short Films Session 2: “The Introspective Journey” 
01:30 – 03:00 – chill-after / Q&As / exhibition
Films in the screening room. Exhibition, live performances and break in the bar.
Warning: event not recommanded to folks who suffer from epilepsy.
Tripoteca is merely a pawn in the celestial Game of bringing infinite light through mind-bending art.
Parteners:  Kriterion Cinema, Subbacultcha!, Europa Cinemas, Alchemist Garden, Tanscend Tadin, Transylvania Calling





De tweede editie van Tripoteca - 's werelds enig internationaal, psychedelisch film- en kunstfestival - is momenteel een wereldtour aan het maken en zal op 6 juni Amsterdam, voor het eerst, bezoeken!

Tripoteca 2014 zal plaatsvinden op 6 juni bij Filmtheater Kriterion. Dit bonte evenement zal bestaan uit 45 korte films, animaties en muziekvideo's afkomstig 17 landen, een vertoning van 'Enter The Void', een digitale kunstexpositie met werk van rond de hele wereld, video installaties, live muziek en visuals uit een andere dimensie - die tijd en ruimte overstijgt. De belangrijkste thema's die hierbij aangesneden worden zijn de metafysica, de uitbreiding van het bewustzijn en abstracte esthetica - om als zodanig een intens, interne reis te realiseren.

De vertoonde digitale kunst is van Anai Greog (RO), Daniel Bega (RO), Kitră (RO), Mircea Pop (RO), Silviu Andrisoi (RO), Roxana Benea (RO), Cristian Prandea (RO), Nomadi Cortex (UK), Dion Dion (UK), Totemical (CA), Ori Toor (IL), KOKOFREAKBEAN (US), Lucas Simoes (BR), Keerych Luminokaya (RU), Pyxius (DK) en Metatron'acid (FR). Mass Hypnotized (NL) verzorgt de muziek, terwijl Magali Marc (FR) de live video performaces zal realiseren. Tevens zal de video installatie '6/64' van Morgan Beringer (UK) vertoond worden, evenals fragmenten uit 'Les Religions Sauvages' van Le Dernier Cri (FR). Het geheel is gecureerd door Adrian Manolescu. 

Alchemist Garden maakt de avond af met hun overheerlijke raw food en smoothies.


19:00 - 19:30 uur: deuren open, tentoonstellingsbezichtiging 
19:30 - 22:00 uur: vertoning van 'Enter the Void'
21:30 - 22:15 uur: live performance Mass Hypnotized (NL), Magali Marc (FR) & Pink Alien (RO)
22:15 - 23:45 uur: eerste sessie van korte films met, als thema, 'Meta-Fun' met astrale humor en wervelwinden van kleur
23:45 - 00:00 uur: pauze, tentoonstellingsbezichtiging
00:00 - 01:30 uur: tweede sessie van korte films met, als thema, 'The Introspective Journey': surrealistische reflecties
01:30 - 03:00 uur: Q&A's, chill- en afterparty


Parteners:  Kriterion Cinema, Subbacultcha!, Europa Cinemas, Alchemist Garden, Tanscend Tadin, Transylvania Calling